Riverside County Grand Jury Spanks Riverside's Very Own City Attorney.
I've been out recovering from a severely fractured humerus bone and reconstruction but caught a few interesting grand jury reports.

Riverside County Grand Jury spanks Riverside City Attorney Greg Priamos on allegedly violating the "secrecy" of the grand jury process during its investigation of the Riverside Police Department. and violating PC 939.22
(excerpt) The Grand Jury found that the City of Riverside, Office of the City Attorney, did not recognize the responsibilities of the Grand Jury and did not honor the secrecy of the Grand Jury. On April 12, 16, and 18, 2013, the Grand Jury received correspondence signed by the City Attorney with the subject line “Civil Grand Jury Investigation of Officer Involved Death of Brandon Dunbar on March 1, 2012, File No. CA 13-0765.” According to sworn and recorded testimony, the City Attorney stated that after speaking with the Riverside Police Department, he “surmised” the Investigation of Officer Involved Death of Brandon Dunbar on March 1, 2012, was the subject matter being investigated by the Grand Jury. Had the Grand Jury been investigating this subject matter, all confidentiality on the part of the Grand Jury would have been compromised, as this document was copied to the following: The Hon. Mark Cope, Presiding Judge Creg G. Datig, Assistant District Attorney Pamela Wall County Counsel Scott C. Barber, City Manager Belinda J. Graham, Assistant City Manager James E. Brown, Supervising Deputy City Attorney Frank Hauptmann, Community Police Review Manager4 When asked why he copied these individuals, his response was, “to make them aware of what the Grand Jury was doing”. After being admonished regarding secrecy, on April 22, 2013, the City Attorney filed a Motion and Motion to Modify with the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside that contained Exhibits B and C with the subject, “Civil Grand Jury Investigation of Officer Involved Death of Brandon Dunbar on March 1, 2012, File No. CA 13-0765,” which is in violation of Penal Code §939.22. On May 20, 2013, the Office of the Riverside County Counsel sent a letter
Why is the city's attorney who's supposed to uphold the law alleged by the County Grand Jury of violating a section of the penal code and what will his "bosses" do or have to say about that?
More to come..... including Priamos' written response to the Superior Court in response is being voted on by the city council in the consent calendar this week.
The letter is available on the City's Web site under this week's city council agenda, then under #27 on the link for "letter and exhibits".
Some links to read on past Grand Jury reports:
Riverside Police Department State Morale and Administrative Review
The city's response to Grand Jury report
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